As a precision device, the glove box is generally:

The glove box system is a laboratory apparatus that filters the high-purity inert gas into a closed cassette and filters off the active material (water, oxygen can reach 1 ppm or less) by purifying the system.

Mainly composed of a chamber, a frame, antechambers, a gas purification system, a PLC automatic control system, and the like.

The removal of O2, H2O, and organic gases.

Suitable for anhydrous, aerobic, dust-free ultrapureal environment. Such as: lithium ion batteries, materials, semiconductors, supercapacitors, special lamps, laser welding, brazing, etc.

For Etelux, we can do it:

The glove box is a closed cycle design, saving operating costs, which is 20OC constant temperature, a standard atmospheric pressure, 99.999% inert gas source, and oxygen indicators are less than 1 ppm;

The chamber and antechamber uses 304 stainless steel plates, the front window is tempered glass, wear-resistant and corrosion;

Touch screen PLC control, high degree of automation, can be realized: automatic control of gas in the chamber, automatic purging in the chamber, automatic regeneration of purification materials, automatic data operation data automatic record;

Users can choose various accessories on standard gloves based on actual needs: H2O analyzer, oxygen analyzer, solvent adsorber, refrigerator high temperature heating device, laser welder, etc.