In the field of scientific experiments, the ultra-pure environment created by the glove box has an immeasurable important role. First, the effective isolation of external contamination in many experiments, even extremely small impurities may lead to bias or even failure of the experimental results. Glove box can provide a nearly closed space, the experimental samples and the outside world of dust, water vapor, microbes and other contaminants completely isolated. For example, in the study of semiconductor materials, trace impurities may change the electrical properties of the material, and the ultra-pure environment of the glove box can ensure that the material in the preparation and testing process is not subject to the interference of external pollution. Second, precise control of the experimental conditions of the ultrapure environment makes it possible to accurately control the gas composition, humidity and temperature and other conditions of the experiment.

Organic synthesis experiments, for example, some reactions are extremely sensitive to oxygen and moisture, glove box can provide an oxygen-free and water-free environment to ensure that the reaction is carried out in accordance with the expected direction, to improve the selectivity of the reaction and yield. Third, to protect the safety of experimental personnel for experiments involving toxic, hazardous or radioactive substances, the ultra-pure environment of the glove box not only protects the experimental samples, but also prevents the leakage of these dangerous substances to the outside world, to protect the health and safety of experimental personnel. In the synthesis of radioactive drugs, the glove box can effectively block the spread of radioactive particles. Fourth, to improve the repeatability of the experiment because the glove box can stably maintain the ultra-pure environment, eliminating the uncertainty of external factors, making the experimental results more reliable and repeatable. Researchers at different times and places to carry out the same experiment, can obtain more consistent results, which is important for promoting the progress of scientific research. Fifth, to promote the research and development of new materials in the new nanomaterials, quantum materials and other cutting-edge areas of research, the purity of the experimental environment is extremely high. The ultra-pure environment of the glove box provides ideal conditions for the preparation, characterization and performance testing of these materials, accelerating the research and development process of new materials. In the development of high-performance lithium batteries, which need to be assembled in an anhydrous and oxygen-free environment, the glove box can fulfill this need, thus helping to improve the performance and stability of the battery. The ultra-pure environment of the glove box plays a vital role in all kinds of scientific experiments, providing a reliable experimental platform for researchers and promoting the continuous development and innovation of science and technology.